Book Fillers With The Fitz


Explore Fillers: Juvederm, Restylane, Radiesse & More | The Fitz


Juvederm & Restylane are fillers used to temporarily correct the loss of facial volume as people age. The most common areas that benefit from these types of fillers are the lips, cheeks, jawline, chin, under eyes, and even as a way to fill in smile lines. The duration of the benefits vary by individual, but you will leave your initial full facial assessment with our providers with a clear understanding of the individual results you can expect to achieve.

Procedure Time: 1 hour

Recovery Time: Patients may have 2-4 days of mild swelling to the treatment area and will be instructed to avoid makeup and exercise for the first 24 hours after the appointment.

  • The most common areas injected with Juvederm and Restylane are lips, cheeks, jawline, under eyes, chin, and nasolabial folds.


Radiesse is a dermal filler that can last up to 2 years. Radiesse stimulates your body’s natural collagen production that fills in wrinkles and promotes better skin texture and elasticity. Upon treatment, Radiesse is designed to provide immediate lifting and sculpting results with the most-noticeable benefits occurring about 12 weeks post-treatment when the collagen stimulation is at its peak.

Procedure Time: 1 hour

Recovery Time: Patients may have 2-4 days of mild swelling to the treatment area and will be instructed to avoid makeup and exercise for the first 24 hours after the appointment.

  • Most common areas injected with Radiesse include cheeks, jawline, chest.


Sculptra is a filler designed to provide longer-term results. This treatment targets deep lines and wrinkles and while results are not immediate and may take up to 4 months to be visible, the benefits can last up to 3 years after the completion of treatment.

Procedure Time: 1 hour

Recovery Time: Patients may have 2-4 days of mild swelling to the treatment area and will be instructed to avoid makeup and exercise for the first 24 hours after the appointment. Patients who receive Sculptra will be required to massage the treated area, several times a day for multiple days after injections.

  • Most common areas treated with Sculptra are cheeks, jawline, temples, midface, lower face.


A new line of resilient hyaluronic acid fillers from Revance and Teoxane, designed to closely mimic the hyaluronic acid found in our bodies for a more natural-looking volume boost.

Procedure Time: 1-hour appointment

Recovery Time: Anticipate bruising and swelling for up to 7 days post-filler. We recommend using Alastin Inhance post-injection serum to minimize bruising and swelling.

  • We recommend starting Arnica two days prior to reduce bruising and swelling. Avoid ibuprofen, alcohol, and fish oil 24 hours prior to treatment.


Hyaluronic acid dermal filler that can be used to treat moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds.

Procedure Time: 1-hour appointment

Recovery Time: Anticipate bruising and swelling for up to 7 days post-filler. We recommend using Alastin Inhance post-injection serum to minimize bruising and swelling.

  • We recommend starting Arnica two days prior to reduce bruising and swelling. Avoid ibuprofen, alcohol, and fish oil 24 hours prior to treatment.